SPELL & the Gypsy Collective

It is our vision to become one of the most inspiring and conscious fashion brands in the world. (This is an ambitious statement we know!) But we know our WHY, and our why is to positively impact our planet and it’s people in every single thing we do, playing our part in preserving our beautiful earth for our children, and our children’s children. Rather than strive for sustainability to be our point of difference, we hope to drive change within the textile industry so that a new ‘normal’ is achieved universally.
2 years ago I received a letter from a customer, it was April 2016 and Fashion Revolution was underway. Her email asked ‘excuse me, I love your brand, but can you tell me, who makes my clothes?’ I happily told her about the wonderful relationships we had with our suppliers, how we spent so much time on the ground in our factories around the world and witnessed first hand just how great the conditions were. I told her about how we only partner with suppliers who share our values around ethical conduct and how ultimately, we are proud that they are part of our global Spell family.’ But in that moment, I realised something – transparency was more than ‘giving her my word’, and it was more than pointing to a code of conduct on our website, it was 3rd party ethical and environmental certification. So that very month, we started mapping our supply chain and today we're proud to say that our garment factories are ethically accredited to a variety of internationally recognised programs such as Fairtrade, WRAP, SEDEX and BSCI. And that ethical accreditation is only the beginning. Spell believes in sustainability. It is an important part of who we are and our future journey. Some may say the fashion industry, by its very consumerist nature, may never coexist with sustainability… But we are committed to creating consciously so we can minimise harm to our planet in every aspect of our business. It is our vision to continue to create beautiful garments that inspire change towards truly sustainable fashion. From the fibres we use, to the printing techniques, from our Artisan projects to the footprint we leave, we are on a journey not only to minimise harm but create positive change for people, communities and the planet along the way. It’s a journey and we want to share it with you. Elizabeth & Isabella

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